• Seabird Rescue Workshop a huge success

    by  • February 18, 2013 • Announcements

    On Saturday 16th February a group of enthusiasts attended a very engaging workshop led by Julie Dunn, Founder of Australian Seabird Rescue South Coast, to learn a little about the capture and treatment of seabirds with injuries from such things as fish hooks and line.  The workshop was part of an SCMDC grant project through funding from the Australian Government’s Caring for our Country.

    The workshop began with a presentation inside the Discovery Centre theatrette by Julie, highlighting some of the methods used to firstly capture an injured bird and then an overview of the recommended treatment of injuries.  Julie emphasised that not all birds can be saved and at times rescuers are faced with the unfortunate decision to euthanase a bird that may otherwise face a long and painful death.

    After lunch the group met at a local boat ramp where Julie demonstrated her skills in humanely capturing birds to enable treatment to be applied.  In perfect conditions, it did not take long for the local pelican and gull population to notice the abundance of tasty fish frames on offer (thanks to our friends at Southland Fish Supplies for these!).  With the help of SCMDC staff members Sheree Epe and Jillian Riethmuller, a healthy female pelican was firstly caught and every workshop attendee was lucky enough to learn how to hold this magnificent bird comfortably. To the surprise of everyone, these large birds weigh only 4 to 5kg and our ‘model’ was perfectly calm and even seemed to enjoy the attention.

    After a quick inspection by Julie and others, our specimen was given the ‘all clear’ and released before a small gull was captured. This bird, too, seemed to be in good condition and after a quick check was also released.

    Anybody wishing to join Australian Seabird Rescue South Coast branch can contact us at the Centre for more information.  In the meantime, we urge everyone to keep the local ASR contact number in their mobile phone.  Please call 0431 282 238 if you see a bird that needs help at any time.  




    Chief Executive Officer for the Sapphire Coast Marine Discovery Centre.
